Heartland Orthopedic Specialists Hosting 12th Annual Ortho Night Out May 22

Heartland Orthopedic Specialists will host their 12th annual Ortho Night Out on May 22. The free community event will be held at the Broadway Ballroom at 115 30th Ave. E. in Alexandria. Three board-certified doctors from the practice will be speaking on joint pain and the latest advancements in surgical and nonsurgical treatments. Those wanting to attend are asked to preregister with Angie Miller by calling 320-762-6661 or emailing amiller@alomerehealth.com to register.

Local Mom Walking Well After Ankle Replacement With Dr. Russell Sticha

Michelle F. from Glenwood, Minnesota, had a life-changing encounter with a snowmobile at the age of 19, resulting in a traumatic ankle injury that required extensive surgery. "I had two plates and six screws put in to fix my ankle," she recalled.

Complications arose after the initial surgery, leading to excruciating pain and the necessity of a second operation. She was able to heal well; however, the initial injury led to issues later in her life.