Patient Education Articles

At Heartland Orthopedic Specialists, we strive to keep you involved in your medical care as a partner. In the following section, we included helpful and general information about conditions, diseases, and the different parts of the body.

Through the material provided below, you can learn about topics related to your condition or injury to give you some more context and understanding of your situation. Please be aware that each situation is unique, and no online content can replace one-on-one communication with your doctor.

If you have questions regarding a medical issue, please consult with your specialist at the time of your appointment or call Heartland Orthopedic Specialists at (800) 762-1177, and our staff will be happy to assist you.

For additional patient education information, please visit the following additional resources.

  • This condition is an overstretching and inflammation of the posterior tibial tendon, which travels from a muscle in the calf down to the arch of the foot. This tendon is one of the major supporting structures of the foot's arch and aids in…

  • The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons in each shoulder. It holds your upper arm bone in your shoulder socket. It keeps your arm stable while allowing it to lift and rotate. Too much stress on the rotator cuff can cause a tear. This…

  • This condition is a painful swelling, usually along the front of the lower leg, that is common among runners and other athletes.

  • This is a painful pinching of soft tissues in your shoulder. It happens when these tissues rub and press against a part of your shoulder blade called the "acromion." This can irritate your rotator cuff tendons, and also a soft sac called the "…

  • This condition is a swelling of the subacromial bursa, a fluid-filled sac that creates a cushion between the acromion and the head of the humerus.

  • This common condition, also known as stenosing tenosynovitis, is a narrowing of a portion of the tendon sheath in the finger or thumb that interferes with normal finger movement. This condition most commonly affects the ring finger, but can…