Safety in Athletics Begins with Having an Athletic Trainer!

Safety in sports is a topic that has gained national attention. Beginning Friday, September 13, and running through Saturday, September 21, numerous high schools throughout the state, including Alexandria Area High School, Brandon-Evansville High School, Melrose High School, Osakis High School, Sauk Centre High School, and West Central Area High School, are demonstrating why “Safety in Athletics begins with having an Athletic Trainer.” According to a study conducted by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the presence of athletic trainers in secondary schools lowers overall injury rates, improves diagnosis and return-to-play decisions, and reduces the risk for recurrent injuries.

At high school events all across Minnesota this week, teams will be donning a small helmet sticker on the back of each player’s helmet. The sticker represents the cumulative efforts of these schools and the Minnesota Athletic Trainers’ Association towards improving the overall safety of all sports in Minnesota. For more information on how you can keep your athletes safe, visit the Minnesota Athletic Trainers’ Association website.