Heartland Orthopedic Specialists receives high ranking from Minnesota HealthScores

Heartland Orthopedic Specialists, a service of Alomere Health, has been given an above average rating from Minnesota HealthScores in the category of pain, function and mobility for total knee replacement, per data garnered in 2015. Additional data and analysis can be found on the Minnesota HealthScores Web site at www.mnhealthscores.org. Heartland Orthopedic Specialists is one of only four clinics in the state to receive this ranking: the highest in this category. 

In order to measure the quality of knee surgeries among medical groups throughout the state, Minnesota HealthScores used the pain, function and mobility rating as the main ranking dimension. As one of the top four groups in this category, Heartland Orthopedic Specialists even ranked above other renowned medical groups in the state, including the Mayo Clinic. The rating was measured by asking patients about their knee pain, function and mobility both before and after their knee replacement surgeries. The survey tool used for the measure documents a patient's ability to do normal daily living tasks before and after surgery. Higher scores indicate reports of significant improvements in a patient's pain, function and mobility after a knee replacement.

"My colleagues and I at Heartland Orthopedic Specialists and Alomere Health are proud and humbled to receive this recognition," says Dr. Dennis Weigel, joint replacement surgeon at Heartland Orthopedic Specialists. "Being among the top four institutions in the state for total knee replacements is a testament to the dedication and care our surgeons and staff demonstrate every day."

Heartland Orthopedic Specialists was also one of only 15 clinics to receive above-average scores in the symptoms assessment category for total knee replacement from Minnesota HealthScores. As a service of independent non-profit MN Community Measures, Minnesota HealthScores provides unbiased and trustworthy measurements of cost and quality of healthcare available in Minnesota and the surrounding areas. 

"As joint replacement surgeons, we specialize in not only reconstructing joints but in reconstructing lifestyles," says joint replacement surgeon Dr. Paul Dale of Heartland Orthopedic Specialists. "We are devoted to ridding patients of pain and ensuring restored function and mobility, and we are honored to be measurably distinguished for our ability to do so." 

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