Dr. Emily Monroe Internationally Published for New Hip Arthroscopy Technique

Sports medicine surgeon Emily J.M. Monroe, M.D., of Heartland Orthopedic Specialists in Alexandria at 111 117th Ave. E., coauthored an article proposing a new surgical technique for hip arthroscopy. Written alongside Caitlin C. Chambers, M.D., and Alan L. Zhang, M.D., “Periportal Capsulotomy: A Technique for Limited Violation of the Hip Capsule During Arthroscopy for Femoroacetabular Impingement” was recently published in Arthroscopy Techniques, an international, peer-reviewed publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America, in February 2019.

In the article, Dr. Monroe and her colleagues tackle the problem of disruption to the hip capsule, or the ligament structure covering the hip joint, during arthroscopic surgery for hip impingement. Based on a number of other studies and surgical experience, the team proposes a new technique to serve as a solution to help surgeons and patients alike. The article details how to properly execute the technique, including precise instructions, cautions, advantages and potential disadvantages. 

“Managing the hip capsule remains debated among experienced hip arthroscopists, but we believe we have demonstrated a way to retain the integrity of that structure and reduce potential problems,” says Dr. Monroe. “Our proposed technique will be able to solve the issue of instability after surgery, along with allowing for shorter operative times and less postoperative pain for patients for an overall better outcome.”   

Dr. Monroe previously coauthored an article in another recent national publication, The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. The article, “Women in Orthopaedic Surgery: Population Trends in Trainees and Practicing Surgeons,” was well-received and focused on a study of Dr. Monroe’s female peers in orthopedic surgery. As a fellowship-trained sports medicine surgeon, Dr. Monroe has received the highest level of subspecialized academic and clinical education in orthopedics, and she actively uses her expertise to serve her patients, local athletes and her orthopedic community.

Arthroscopy Techniques is an electronic journal on surgical practice and a technique-focused companion to Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery. Arthroscopy and Arthroscopy Techniques are peer-reviewed journals associated with the Arthroscopy Association of North America, an international professional organization of orthopedic surgeons committed to advancing minimally invasive surgery in orthopedics.

To learn more about Dr. Monroe and the services she provides or to schedule an appointment with her in Alexandria, Willmar or Morris, please call (800) 762-1177.